Sask Water SSEWSS Zelma East Raw Water Pipeline
BHP Raw Water Supply Line
Lanigan, Saskatchewan to BHP Jansen Mine Site
This project incorporated a water supply line that was designed to provide water to one of Saskatchewan’s largest Potash mines. The work included the installation of a PVC water line from a proposed booster station near Lanigan, Saskatchewan to the BHP Jansen mine site. Familiar with the Saskatchewan landscape, Hamm was able to forecast and mitigate the risks associated with the weather, public and ground conditions. A unique aspect of the project was the extensive environmental monitoring and reporting requirements. Specific scopes of work included:
- 34,064 meters of 600mm PC235 PVC Pipe
- 21 Auger Bored Trenchless Crossings
- 3 Combination Air Release Valve Chambers
- 3 Swab Launch & Retrieval Site
- 34 Manual Air Releases
- Multiple Swab Launch and Retrieval Structures